E3 2017: My Picks

assorted panel

Now that E3 is over, I can say that this year’s conference was mostly in the “meh” category for me only because I didn’t get a great sense of hype. From the start, I wasn’t super excited except for what Nintendo had to offer, but at the same time, I ended up disappointed in some of the players like Bethesda. Of course nothing could top their Fallout 4 presentation of 2015, except for an Elder Scrolls 6 announcement. 😉

However, that’s not to say there aren’t games I am interested in. What follows is a quick list of the games and expansions I’m most looking forward to, in no particular order.

Star Wars Battlefront II

For the most part, I was a big fan of Battlefront I, and I’m happy to see player feedback being addressed for the upcoming title. I would have liked more details regarding the single player campaign, but I feel like it’s very addition is exciting. The new vehicles, classes, and maps are also looking good. At this point, anything Star Wars related will catch my attention, and I’m feeling fairly confident that EA DICE will deliver this November.

Uncharted: The Lost Legacy

I really enjoyed my time with Uncharted 4 and welcome the opportunity to spend more time in the game world. It’s also pretty neat to see a female protagonist for the franchise. Adventure! Puzzles! Let’s go!

Assassin’s Creed: Origins & Far Cry 5

I know Ubisoft is a prime example of milking a series to death, but I will be purchasing the new AC and Far Cry games. I can’t help myself! Having these two on the list sort of feels like a cheat since I already anticipated them before E3, but I will say that I was happy with what Ubi showed.

As a long time fan of the Far Cry franchise, I do hope that something is done to liven up the newest entry. As for Assassin’s Creed: Origins, I’m hoping, in a sense, for another Black Flag; I want to get lost in the open world (have I mentioned I’ve been in love with Egypt since childhood???) and have the freedom to approach any given scenario in a number of ways. Gimme!


Yoshi. Looks. Adorable. Hopefully this adventure platformer, that looks a bit like Yoshi meets Paper Mario, delivers some fun for Switch players next year.

Super Mario Odyssey

I like Mario. I like dinosaurs. I like the Switch. October 27th!

God of War

I was surprised by the reveal for God of War. I have never played a game in that franchise, and this might very well be my introduction to it. The combat looked slick, the father/son type relationship could be interesting, and I’m happy to hear Christopher Judge’s voice in a video game. Its late November release will be perfect coming off a full October.


While Anthem looks super fun, I do wonder if it will be another Destiny. I’m keeping my optimism in check for this one until we learn more details. My attention was piqued with this one though.

Horizon: Zero Dawn The Frozen Wilds

You only need to read my post on Horizon: Zero Dawn to know how excited I am for more content.

Wolfenstein II

Wolfenstein is another series I have never played but now have an interest in. If you couldn’t already tell from my ramblings on this blog, I love a good first-person shooter. I know next to nothing about the franchise, but I like the setting and the idea of a 1960s American Revolution. This one will have to wait until after I’ve finished AC: Origins though.

Detroit: Become Human

I’ve wanted to rise up as an android and save my brethren since Detroit was teased last year. But Sony, why no release date?? That’s all I need at this point even if the game is a year or two off still. It looks like a fresh new title I can’t wait for.

Skull & Bones

Another surprise, Skull & Bones seems to have lifted everything from its combat to the sea shanties playing in the background directly from Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag, but that might not be a bad thing. Black Flag is my favorite AC game up to this point, and the sailing was one of the most fun parts. The world needs more pirate games, so I’m all for it.

Some great games were announced and exciting information was offered on known titles. While we have confirmation that a new Pokémon game is in the works (OMG!!!!), we weren’t offered anything new regarding the Virtual Console. Sony seemed to play it safe, and Microsoft stuff rarely interests me anymore. I feel a bit conflicted about being happy with some games but having an overall underwhelming impression of E3. Does that even make sense? Maybe the younger me was more capable of excitement. Either way, this fall will be full of content, and that is something to look forward to.

6 thoughts on “E3 2017: My Picks

  1. Never played a Star Wars game nor watched any of the movies but WOW does Battlefront look incredible! I tend to forget that I have a PC, lately, as I’ve been so focused on handhelds for the past two years, but I forgot just how far we’ve come with graphics. As much as I don’t typically care about graphics, it does make me want to upgrade my monitor lol

    My taste for games is extremely hit or miss, and for the most part, E3 missed for me, aside from Nintendo. But I’m really glad for the PS4 and Xbox folks because it sounds like there are some solid games coming out. God of War looks solid, State of Decay 2 is a followup to one of my favorite zombie games ever, Days Gone, Anthem, etc. Some solid offerings. I do with that Bethesda would move on to another Elder Scrolls game, at the rate they’re milking Skyrim, I’ll have two kids in college by the time I’m playing the next installment.

    1. I’ll let it pass that you haven’t watched Star Wars. 😉

      The past two years I have been so console-focused that my PC has been ignored in the corner. Recently though, I have been using it more mostly for some indie titles. I’ve found having a gaming PC, a PlayStation 4, and now the Switch has given me quite the balance (if an expensive one).

      Even if the next Elder Scrolls game is a ways off, I think Bethesda could really benefit from some new franchises. VR is great, but it isn’t enough for me to keep returning to the same games.

  2. Really looking forward to Deroit – I know they’re not to everybody’s tastes but I love the Quantic Dreams games!

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