August Update

So I’m back. 😛 It’s been awhile, I know. But I’m settled into my new place, my courses are prepped, and I’m slowly falling back into some semblance of a schedule.

It’s been an odd two weeks as I’ve shifted my mindset to one of “oh yeah, I’m back at school.” And it’s been a little hard at times being 5 1/2 hours away from home. While I’m glad to be here, I can only describe it as bizarre to be walking the same hallways and thinking of teaching in the same classrooms as I was nearly three years ago.


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My little buddies.

For several reasons, this might be my only post for the next week and a half. The semester starts tomorrow and I no longer own a PS4. The horror! I sold my PS4 to a friend right before I left because I have a Glacier White PS4 Pro preordered!!! 😀 So for a little while longer the Switch is all I have to game on. This is probably a topic for a future post, but I’ve been feeling pretty meh about the Switch lately so that hasn’t helped.

Being without my primary console felt kind of good for a little while, but I was going through all the fall and holiday releases the other day and started to feel a little lost. I miss playing video games and talking and writing about them.

But when I do get the Pro, my plan is to play Uncharted: The Lost Legacy and at least a bit of Destiny 2. I’m also interested in The Escapists 2, The Long Dark, Tacoma, and Nidhogg 2. Will I actually get to all of them? No, because time and money. But you never know, right? And really I’m just waiting for Assassin’s Creed OriginsWolfenstein II: The New Colossus, and Star Wars Battlefront II.

So yeah. I’m still here and happy to return to the blog. I’ll end with a few pictures of the campus where I’ll be teaching and studying. Have a good rest of the day!

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6 thoughts on “August Update

    1. I love the attitude cats can have. Haha.

      I have Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8, Snipperclips, Minecraft, 1-2 Switch, NBA Playgrounds, Infinite Minigolf, and a few other games I’m drawing a blank on. There are certainly games available for the Switch. I’m just thirsting for some open world rpgs and first-person shooters.

      Didn’t you recently get a Switch?

      1. I did just get a Switch! I have MK8 as well, so if you ever want to play let me know! I played with a bunch of friends tonight, and I lost miserably each time, but it was so much fun lol. I only have MK8, but I think it’s so cute and fun. I want Breath of the Wild and Splatoon 2, I think I’m going to ask for Disgaea for Christmas this year.

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